Free PTE Preparation Exam materials

No matter how you choose to prepare for PTE Academic or PTE Academic UKVI, we have the information, resources, and guidance to help you feel confident when your test day arrives.

Prepare for success

As the world's leading education company, you can be sure that Pearson has everything you need to help you succeed on test day.


He has scored an overall 65 score in the PTE exam after taking training from the PTE Experts at Affinity Overseas


He has scored an overall 64 score in the PTE exam after taking training from the PTE Experts at Affinity Overseas

IDP certified

Effort and hard work with Affinity Overseas construct the bridge that connects your dreams to reality.

Manish Kumar

He has scored an overall 67 score in the PTE exam after taking training from the PTE Experts at Affinity Overseas

PTE Exam

There is no easy way or a magic spell to score 79+ in the PTE Exam but there are definitely a lot of smarter and efficient ways you can reach this score level.

Cracking PTE

Cracking PTE is now easy. We at Affinity Overseas have already helped many students to get their desired band score in PTE.

Looking for PTE Home prep resources?

If you are taking one of our PTE Home tests (PTE Home A1, A2, or B1) for a UK visa or for citizenship, head over to our PTE Home guide pages for more.

  • Prep for PTE Home A1
  • Prep for PTE Home A2
  • Prep for PTE Home A3
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